Yucca Valley
Sunset Rotary Club
We meet every Thursday at the Black Bear Diner at 6:00pm. 57084 29 Palms Hwy, Yucca Valley

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label here
Plant Registration Form
(Please Print)
Date: October 7, 2023 Location: 2200 Belfield Blvd., Landers, Ca.
Name of Show: Morongo Basin Orchid Festival
Exhibitors who do not want AOS judging must display a “Do Not Judge”
sign in their Orchid before judging.
Class: ____________________________ Section: _________________________
Genus and Plant Name: _______________________________________________
Varietal/Clonal Name: ________________________________________________
Parentage (AOS & CSA ONLY) __________________________________________
X _________________________________________________________________
Previous Awards received by this plant (AOS & CSA ONLY) ___________________
Name of Exhibitor: ___________________________________________________
Street: _____________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________ Zip __________________
Phone No. __________________________________________________________
E-Mail _____________________________________________________________
Recipients of AOS awards are responsible for any fees charged
by the American Orchid Society.